Examples and Tutorials (Scripting)

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Examples and Tutorials (Scripting)

This chapter describes sample scripts that demonstrate some of the possibilities when using Docklight Scripting. The corresponding Docklight script files (.pts files) and other related files can be found in the folder \ScriptSamples within the Docklight Scripting installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\FuH\Docklight Scripting V2.3\ScriptSamples).


TIP: The \ScriptSamples folder can also be reached via the Docklight Scripting Welcome screen (menu Help > Welcome Screen and Examples... ).


NOTE: If you are working with a user account which has restricted system access, you might not have permission to save into the program files directory. In this case, saving a project file or any other data into the \ScriptSamples folder will produce an error.


NOTE: For additional sample scripts, projects and Application Notes, see our online resources at https://docklight.de/examples/.