<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Reference > Dialog: Customize HTML Output |
(via menu Tools > Start Communication Logging ... , then choose HTML file for web browsers (.htm) and click Customize HTML output)
This dialog allows you to change the appearance of the HTML log files, by modifying the HTML template code that Docklight uses when generating the HTML log file data.
You need some basic understanding of HTML documents and CSS style attributes. We recommend www.htmldog.com (English) or www.selfhtml.org (German) for a quick overview on these topics.
HTML Header Template
The HTML document header. Here you can change the font applied to the log file data, using the following CSS style attributes:
CSS Style Attribute |
Description and Example |
font-family |
Defines one or several fonts (or: font categories) that the HTML browser should use to print a text. If the browser does not support the first font, it will try the second one, a.s.o. The last font usually defines a generic font category that every browser supports. Examples: font-family:'Courier New', Courier, monospace font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif |
font-size |
Specifies the font size. Both, absolute and relative sizes are possible. Examples for absolute font sizes: font-size:12pt font-size:xx-small font-size:x-small font-size:small font-size:medium font-size:large font-size:x-large font-size:xx-large Examples for relative font sizes (relative to the parent HTML element) font-size:smaller font-size:larger font-size:90% |
NOTE: Use the semicolon (";") as a separator between two different CSS style attributes, e.g.
font-family:sans-serif; font-size:small
NOTE: Docklight will insert additional <u> (underline), <i> (italic) and <b> (bold) HTML tags, if such formatting options are activated in the Display Settings. You do not have to use the font-style or font-weight attribute to create these effects.
HTML Footer Template
Adds additional footer text and closes the HTML document.
Data Element Template
For every new piece of log file information (channel 1 data, channel 2 data, or a comment text), a new <span> tag with different text color is added to the HTML log file.
The template code for the header, footer and data parts contains Docklight-specific wildcards which must not be deleted:
Wildcard |
Description |
The background color, as selected in the Display Settings |
Header text at the start of the log file |
Footer text at the end of the log file |
%DATA% |
a chunk of the log file data: channel 1 data, channel 2 data, or a comment text |
The text color to apply for %DATA%, as selected in the Display Settings |
When generating a log file, Docklight replaces the wildcards with the current display settings and the actual communication data.