<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Reference (Scripting) > FileInput / FileOutput Objects for Reading and Writing Files > FileOutput - Writing Files |
The global FileOutput object provides an easy interface to create files, e.g. for writing custom data formats.
Methods and properties available for FileOutput:
Method / Property |
Description |
FileOutput.CreateFile filePathName [, rawData] [, appendData] |
Create a new output file. rawData = False (default): Open as a text file. rawData = True: Open as a raw binary data file. appendData = False (default): Overwrite file, if exists. appendData = True: Append data to an existing file. |
FileOutput.CloseFile |
Closes the file. |
FileOutput.WriteLine data [, appendLineBreak] |
Write the string data to the file. appendLineBreak = True (default): Append a CR / LF line break after the data string appendLineBreak = False: don't create a line break The WriteLine method can only be used for text files (rawData = False). |
FileOutput.WriteByte data |
Write the byte data to the file. |
result = FileOutput.IsOpen |
Returns True if a file is open, False if not. |
result = FileOutput.Dialog([caption] [, defaultPath] [, fileFilter]) |
Shows a "File Save" dialog and return the chosen file path, or an empty string, if aborted. The default value for fileFilter is: All Files (*.*)|*.* |
result = FileOutput.FileExists(filePath) |
Returns True, if filePath exists. |
When FileInput.CreateFile cannot open the file, it produces an error and script execution stops.
See the FileInput object for an example.