Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.4.11 (03/2023) Copyright Flachmann und Heggelbacher GmbH & Co. KG ( and Kickdrive Software Solutions ( Program Description: Docklight is a test, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols (RS232, RS485/422 and others). It allows you to monitor the communication between two serial devices or to test the serial communication of a single device. Docklight is easy to use and runs on almost any standard PC using Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7 operating system. Docklight Scripting provides an easy-to-use program language and a built-in editor to create and run automated test jobs. In addition to COM ports (RS232, ...), Docklight Scripting supports TCP, UDP, USB HID or Named Pipes. Installation: - Run DocklightSetup.exe (resp. DocklightScriptingSetup.exe) Distribution: - See the fuh_distribute_int.txt file Version History: Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.4.11 (03/2023) Fixes and Improvements: - Fixed high CPU usage with COM ports. (A Windows 10/11 issue that appeared after release; new version avoids repeated GetCommMask calls which seem to be the cause.) - External Editor support for "Visual Studio Code". Improved presets include now extra waiting time to allow the external editor to complete the "save" operation - Fixed display bug in Project Settings when switching between baud rate setting "none" and actual baud rates. - Fixed display bug when using a Send Sequence with parameters: The documentation area is now updated before the Send Sequence Parameter dialog appears and shows the corresponding sequence documentation. - Added checksum types: CRC-XMODEM (corresponds to CRC:16,1021,0000,0000,NO,NO) and MOD65536. Added XOR and CRC-XMODEM to the dropdown list with common checksums. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.4.5 (04/2022) Fixes and Improvements: - New Expert Option: Devices -> "Disable I/O error detection / hotplug feature for COM." Hotplug / auto-recovery was added in Docklight V2.3, but could produce I/O error events with some specific drivers even in normal operation. V2.4 has improvements, plus you can always disable hotplug completely (back to V2.2 behavior). - Improved COM port RX timing for devices using Microsoft's standard driver usbser.sys on Windows 10 and higher. - Fixed bugs with Project and Sequence Documentation area: wrong sequence index. - Fixed bugs with Project and Sequence Documentation area: Tables or other complex documentation parts could get lost after storing/reloading/browsing/editing the project. - Fixed bug after removing a USB COM device, then stop and re-start communication in Docklight. - Fixed rare "Internal comm. processing error" that was possible in rare overload situations, e.g. after a sleep/resume. - Improved checksum preview when Special Function Characters are used. - Fixed rare send button display bug: remained pressed when "Channel Alias" option was active. - Scripting: DL.OpenProject now correctly uses relative paths like "..\myproject\project1.ptp" - Scripting: Added "bigEndian" optional argument for DL.CalcChecksum - Scripting: new DL.MsgBox2 method, as a companion to DL.InputBox2 - Scripting: Improved multiple connections / "side channel" support. Side channel IDs > 4 now correctly supported for COM ports and (multiple) Docklight Tap Pro / 485 connections. - Scripting: DL.GetEnvironment("DOCKLIGHT_VERSION") now appends " (Eval)" to the result, if no license key is present. - Scripting: UDP connections with SO_BROADCAST and SO_REUSEADDR flags set. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.3.26 (03/2020) Fixes and Improvements: - Fixed bug with handshake status indicator box (was not continously updated). - Scripting: Fixed bug with DL.SetOutputText when appending text continuously. Content was not limited correctly, now RTF content is limited to approx. 510000 characters. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.3.25 (02/2020) Fixes and Improvements: - Fixed bug with Edit Send Sequence / Edit Receive Sequence dialog: The dialog was in "Sequence modified / Apply" state immediately after opening, even if no change was made. - Experimental "lower system impact mode" for special applications with continuous communication. Please contact support on more information about how to use this mode. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.3.23 (12/2019) New features and functions: - Project and Sequence documentation: The lower right area of the Docklight main screen is now a documentation area, replacing the previous "Docklight Notepad". Individual documentation can be added to each Send Sequence and Receive Sequence. - Collapsable Send/Receive Sequence area to allow more space for the communication window - New Receive Sequence Comment Macro %_S can be used to play the default Windows notification sound. - Scripting: New DL.SetUserOutput method to create independent output tab for visual user feedback & interaction (using DL.GetKeyState, see below): DL.SetUserOutput(, , , ) : The text to use/add. If empty string (""), hide the user output area again. Default is vbCrLf = add line break : False (default) = text is plain text. True = is a RTF document : True (default) = add to the existing output. False = replace the existing output : False (default) = is the actual content. True = is a file path that should be loaded - Scripting: New DL.SetWindowLayout method to control the Docklight main window appearance - Scripting: New DL.GetKeyState function to obtain current keyboard state, compatible to Windows GetKeyState() API function and documentation. See user manual. - Pro Tap / Tap 485 communication scan (baud rate scan): In Docklight VTP channel setting, set baud rate to None (0) to perform a continuous baud rate scan for both communication directions independently. See Docklight User Manual, Project Settings for details. - "Start Logging" dialog and DL.StartLogging method now support RTF output format as an alternative to HTML. Use extended syntax DL.StartLogging "d:\test", false, "AH", with: = 0 or False : plain text = 1 or True : HTML = 2 : RTF - Scripting: DL.ShellRun to launch external application: result = DL.ShellRun(, [, ] [, ] [, = 10]) e.g. result = DL.ShellRun("open", "notepad.exe", "log_asc.test"). See user manual. - Scripting: Multichannel / side channel support for opening additional data streams. See user manual for "Side Channels". Fixes and Improvements: - hotplug / reconnect / auto-recovery for COM, HID and TAP connections. You are able to unplug and replug USB devices like USB-to-RS232 interfaces during communication. An error will be displayed during the interruption and communication resumes after reconnecting the USB device. - Added LRC-ASCII checksum for MODBUS ASCII applications - Fixed Edit Send/Receive Sequence dialog bug on some non-ANSI locales: when switching HEX -> ASCII -> HEX, character codes greater than 7F were changed to 7F. - Improved DPI awareness for Windows app size > 150%, basic icon rescaling. - Improved printing: communication windows printing now considers margins. - Pause detection now possible for smaller times down to 2 milliseconds (mininum setting 0.002 seconds) - Communication window font size range 6-32pt, not just 8,9,10 and 12. - Experimental extra tweak settings: Expose UART framing errors - Please contact our technical support if you require this setting. - New and improved examples, e.g. Modbus RTU. Docklight welcome dialog allows to go to the /Samples folder directly. - Custom baud rate selection up to 99 999 999 baud (please consider limitations in Docklight's overall data throughput!) - Scripting: USBHID allows product ID PID = 0 now. - Scripting: fixed incomplete error handling in V2.2, when DL. function is used as argument for another DL. call. Before the fix, script execution would simply stop, now full error details are shown. - Scripting: Minor fix in DL.ResetReceiveCounter to ensure that the receive matching is fully reset. - Scripting: DL.AddComment added support for comment macros %_L, %_S, %_T - Scripting: FileInput.Dialog and FileOutput.Dialog now support additional fileFilter argument, e.g. "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt" - Experimental Receive Sequence detection options ("packet-oriented", "reset after match"). Please contact support for details. - Added checksum specs, LRC-ASCII,LRC,-MOD256 for MODBUS ASCII, POS protocols and others. Extended user documentation and examples. New Modbus example project. - Fixed/Improved checksum calculation for variable-length telegrams. - Fixed bug where checksum setting was reset after modifying other settings in Edit Send Sequence / Edit Receive Sequence dialog. - Fixed crash when using "Detect Checksum = Both OK/Wrong" along with variable-length wildcard areas (using '#' wildcard). - Fixed rare problem where Docklight Project Settings dialog takes a long time (> 10 sec) to appear. COM enumeration timeout now 5 seconds. - Scripting: "Could not initialize script language: VBScript" problem fixed with earlier V2.2.23 support version in environment - Fixed minor Edit Sequence glitch introduced with V2.3.11 preview Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.2.8 (11/2016) Fixes and Improvements: - Windows visual style and high DPI awareness. (No "blurry fonts" with display text size 125% or higher.) Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.2.4 (07/2016) New features and functions: - Scripting: "_auto.pts" script convention for automatic script loading & execution along with the project file. - Scripting: Extended USBHID channnel options for variable Output Report IDs and size. - Send and Receive Sequence List have now a small lock to protect against accidental sequence list reordering. - Special educational and promotional license key scheme combining a license key and the license holder's name. - License registration dialog now allows deleting/uninstalling the license. Fixes and Improvements: - Scripting: USB HID compatibility in Windows 10 fixed. USB HID is now "Shared Access". - Scripting: USB HID now correctly indicates when a TX / write output report did not succeed. - Mouse wheel support in sequence lists. - Keyboard Console now supports ESC key to send ASCII code 27 (Escape). - Improved Checksum spec parser and added example for common LRC. "-MOD256" specifier for "data + checksum = 0" style checksum. - Fixed bug: On some serial devices with more than 4K serial buffers and high data load, Docklight could crash with "Internal error 1000 in module MdCommunication.printAndLogIntCommData Internal comm. processing error". - Fixed bug: When using a certain sequence of opening, closing and re-opening the Control Character Shortcuts dialog, Docklight could crash. - Fixed bug: RTS line corrected for Flow Control "RS485 Transceiver Control" and "Hardware Handshaking". - Fixed bug: Keyboard Console line break behavior, now CR/LF (or CR only or LF only) is always added correctly. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.1.10 (09/2015) Note: - New V2.1 project file format for checksum support. Projects without checksums are stored in the V2.0 format for compatibility. Fixes and Improvements: - Faster RTF (colored text) formatting, especially with text that contains a lot of color changes. - More readable and more up-to-date fonts and layout. - Improved display overload handling, e.g. when RTF formatting still takes too long. Docklight does not freeze, but switch to Plain Text Mode automatically and indicate a warning. - Improved COM port enumeration in the Project Settings dialog: Should find some rare device types that were previously omitted. Uses now SetupAPI, plus additional registry readout from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM. - Added Receive Sequence comment macros: %_N for Sequence Name, %_I for Sequence Index, %_X for data direction. - Adjusted standard baud rate list, includes now 230400 baud. - Fixed bug: For "RS485 Transceiver Control - Set RTS high while sending", XON/XOFF was enabled, too. - Fixed bug: Tap Pro time drift correction with Windows Time / fixed "jump to earlier time" - Fixed bug: Tap Pro baud rates 230.4K and higher, ParityReplacementChar = 0 (ignore) - Fixed bug: Bitwise comparison operator ('^') would not work after '#' wildcard section. - Fixed RTS/DTR, XON/XOFF inconsistencies: No temporary RTS/DTR glitches when switching baud rates or opening port. Corrected XON/XOFF when project setting and not script controlled. - Ctrl+W (Clear Communications) works now regardless of focus - Fixed bug: "Repeat Send" button state wrong after switching representation - Fixed bug: Sequence lists: Delete a row, then use up/down keys - wrong line was marked - Fixed bug: Rare crash when using Find for Communication Window - Scripting: Changed name and extended DL.GetEnvironment() function. Added Docklight-specific keywords for reading Docklight project and version data. - Scripting: Active Keyboard Console now blocks/disables script editor text box. - Scripting: Fixed crash when starting with command line option "-r", then closing with Alt+F4. - Scripting: Fixed #include bug: "Script preprocessor error: Duplicate Include for same file" appeared, even for unique include paths. - Scripting: Fixed long script loading times for large scripts (> 100KB). - Scripting: ConvertSequenceData - new "fromText" argument to convert plain text to a HEX/Dec/Binary sequence string New features and functions: - Checksum calculation (CRC and others) for Send and Receive sequences. - 'Standard' Docklight now includes Function Characters support (Handshake Monitoring & Control) - 'Standard' Docklight now includes Docklight Tap Pro / 485 support - Channel Alias setting for custom data direction labels - Scripting: New DL.GetReceiveComments() method - chronological list of all receive sequence comments. - Scripting: New GetCommWindowData() method - evaluate the original comm.window output in your script - Scripting: USB HID and Named Pipes support - Scripting: "PROXY:" - TCP Server that forwards the client's connect/disconnect behavior - Scripting: DL.InputBox2 for a InputBox that appears on the same screen as the Docklight window - Scripting: FileInput/FileOutput additions: .Dialog(...), .FileExists(...) See the \ScriptSamples\Extras\FileDialog_Example folder for an example. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.0.5 (02/2013) New features and functions: - New script command "DL.SetHandshakeSignals rts As Boolean, dtr As Boolean", e.g. DL.SetHandshakeSignals true, false Fixes and Improvements: - Improved COM port enumeration for the Project Settings dialog. Fixed freeze / very slow enumeration on some recent systems, additional port descriptions. - Fixed issue with program shutdown behavior (e.g. on program close through Task Manager or setup.exe). - In "Flow Control = Manual" you can change RTS/DTR states now without opening the COM port. A "Flow Control = Manual" project now always start with RTS=low and DTR = low - DL.SetChannelSettings now allow changing baud rates and other serial parameters on-the-fly, i.e. without closing the communication channel first. - Fixed v2.0.1 bug: Communication Filter not correctly maintained after a project was loaded via DL.OpenProject Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.0.1 (08/2012) New features and functions: - Support for EZ-Tap Pro and Versa-Tap from (see also - New setting for COM communication channels: Baud Rate "None" = Don't set serial communication settings (baud rate, parity ...) (to avoid problems with virtual COM drivers / Embedded COM stacks that do not support this) - New OnReceive_GetDateTime() / OnReceive_GetMilliseconds() method - New DL.ConvertSequenceData() for processing float and integer encoded values - New DL.SetContentsFilter() to change Communication Filter settings while channel is open - New Function Character '^' for bitwise comparisons - New Receive Sequence comment macros (%_L, %_T, %_C, %_A, %_H, %_D, %_B) - New method DL.GetHandshakeSignals() - New method DL.GetEnvironmentVariable(), e.g. DL.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") Fixes and Improvements: - Improved Receive Sequence matching: no more restrictions cursor-based matching. All possible matches are considered. - Improved non-modal "Find Sequence..." dialog. Better matching, wildcards now allowed - New command line option '-i' for invisible background operation - Extended OnSend_GetData() / OnReceive_GetData() syntax for returning substrings - Fixed bug with StartLogging: "Internal error 1000 in module MdCommunication.printAndLogIntCommData" - Fixed ghost ".exe" when closing Docklight (using Alt + F4) while logging is active - Fixed crash in "Create Log file(s)" when providing an illegal base file path - Fixed bug in File->Import Sequence List..: Receive Action index was incorrectly set. - Docklight allows now manually editing a project file in a text editor, without having to maintaining the original sequence indexes. Docklight will re-index on project load - Digitally signed setup packages and executables (.exe, .dll) Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.9.21 (05/2009) New features and functions: - Support for Docklight Monitoring Tap USB - Choose comm.channels TAP0 / TAP1 (e.g.) instead of COM4 / COM5 for best monitoring accuracy better than 10 milliseconds - Milliseconds timestamp resolution and improved overall timing accuracy (menu Tools-->Options, "Date/Time Stamps") - Menu Tools --> Expert Options: Comm. Driver Mode = External / High Priority Process for higher accuracy when monitoring serial COM ports - Menu Tools --> Expert Options: Disable data forwarding in Monitoring Mode for higher data throughput when monitoring serial COM ports - Receive Sequence Function Character "!" to detect handshake signal changes - Menu Scripting --> Customize / External Editor: use a third party program editor with advanced editing features like syntax highlighting - Break Script menu/toolbar and DL.Break method: interrupts script execution and shows the current line in the editor - #include statement / include file support for scripts Fixes and Improvements: - Keyboard console state is now remembered when communication is stopped and started again. - Flow Control Support "Manual" now displays the RI (Ring Indicator) status, too - Multiple input / output files: Up to 4 FileInput objects and 4 FileOutput objects can be used simultaneously FileInput, FileInput2, FileInput3, FileInput4 FileOutput, FileOutput2, FileOutput3, FileOutput4 - Show recently used network addresses in the drop down list of the Project Settings dialog - DL.AddComment Chr(7) can be used to produce a beep sound - You can now call user-defined Subs or Functions from inside DL_OnSend() or DL_OnReceive() - CRCs with less than 7 bits now available. New predfined keyword "CRC-7" for 7 bit CRC used with MMC / smart card applications - Improved performance when opening / starting large scripts - Fixed bug: Flow control setting "RS485 Transceiver Control" would activate XON/XOFF, too - Fixed bug: DL.LoadProgramOptions "" now displays the file open dialog correctly - Fixed bug: Keyboard console in V1.8.10 introduces new timestamp after each character - Fixed bug: Keyboard console steals focus from other applications. - Fixed bug: Run-time error 91 could occur when Docklight is closed with logging still running - Fixed problem: Docklight goes to 100% CPU load with certain (virtual) COM port drivers. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.8.10 (03/2008) New features and functions: - HTML log file format can be customized. - New DL.GetChannelStatus() method to determine the communication channel status (closed, open, waiting for TCP connection, or error). - New DL.PlaybackLogFile() method to replay a recorded communication. - New DL.SaveProgramOptions() / DL.LoadProgramOptions() methods to save and load Docklight user options (display settings, ...) Fixes and Improvements: - DL.OnSend_Peek() / DL.OnReceive_Peek(): optional parameter to return the value in Docklight's ASC, HEX, Decimal or Binary representation - DL.SetChannelSettings(): Additional "dontTest" argument to suppress the open/close attempts for testing purposes. - Improved multiple screen support. - Sequence editor recognizes HEX, Decimal or Binary data in various formats (e.g "5A A5 0F", "5A-A5-0F", "5A/A5/F" or "5AA50F") - Sequence Editor mode (ASCII / HEX / Decimal ...) always follows the selected Communications Window Mode. - Improved sequence editor behavior when deleting a single HEX character. - Keyboard Console allows transmitting data by pasting from clipboard (up to 1034 characters). - new menu Help->Contact E-Mail Support allows sending relevant user setttings, to faciliate customer support. - Baud rates down to 1 (one) can be selected now (Note: Make sure your COM port device can handle such low baud rates properly.) - Fixed compatibility problem with Keyspan USA-19H USB adapter - Fixed bug: FileInput.OpenFile "" now uses file open dialog correctly - Fixed bug: Docklight Scripting now sets working directory correctly when started from command line. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.7.37 (06/2007) Fixes and Improvements: - For ASCII log files, the ASCII character code 26 is now replaced by 127. ASCII code 26 serves as a end-of-file mark for text files and should be avoided in text files. - Improved behavior when CR only or LF only is used for end-of-line: The line break is now inserted always before a comm.direction change, a new date/time stamp or a comment. - Improved behavior when a TCP client is immediately rejected: 2 seconds idle time before retry. - Fixed bug: Class definitions with private member variables caused syntax error. - Fixed bug: Docklight V1.7 now stores COM > 16 correctly Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.7.33 (04/2007) New features and functions: - Networking: Docklight Scripting can act as TCP client, TCP server or UDP peer - new FileInput / FileOutput objects for easy and straightforward file I/O - new DL.CalcChecksum() method for calculating CRCs of any type - new DL.SetChannelSettings() / DL.GetChannelSettings() methods for changing the communication port and settings (baud rate, ...) while running a script. - new DL.Quit() command to stop script execution - new DL.GetDocklightTimeStamp() method to return a Docklight-style time stamp Fixes and Improvements: - COM1 to COM256 can be selected. - Project Settings dialog shows available COM ports in dropdown list. - Timing acurracy in monitoring mode improved. - Improved transmit and receive buffering, less COM buffer overflows on high-speed connections. - Monitoring mode additionally transmits the received data on the opposite communication port (data forwarding). - Communications display now buffers up to 128.000 characters. - Log file buffers are now flushed after 1 seconds of inactivity. - "RS485 Transceiver Control" now uses Windows RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE mode with improved timing (Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista only) - Parity Error Character: "(ignore)" for reading characters with wrong parity bit - The "Edit Send/Receive Sequence" dialogs show the current cursor position and support cursor keys (Page Up/Down, Cursor Up/Down, Home/End). - Minimum time for "Send Sequence periodically" now 0.01 sec (before: 0.1 sec) - Additional operations on sequence lists: Import from a project file, swap receive and send sequence lists. - Improved behavior for large sequence lists (> 100 sequences). - Fixed rare crash in Sequence Editor after copying & pasting a sequence using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. - DL.UploadFile() supports raw binary data tranfer mode ("R"). - DL.UploadFile(), DL.StartLogging(), DL.OpenProject() show a file dialog if an empty file path argument is passed. - DL.StartLogging() closes a previously opened log file automatically, instead of returning an error. - DL.AddComment with additional formatting options. - DL.ResetReceiveCounter now additionally resets the Receive Sequence detection algorithm, allowing easier resynch in complex protocols. - Additional "!" function character arguments for temporarily changing the parity settings within one Send Sequence. - Receive Sequence supports "&" Delay function character to detect pauses. - DL.StartLogging uses current script directory by default (same behavior as DL.OpenProject or DL.UploadFile). Docklight V1.6.23 / Docklight Scripting V1.6.23 (01/2007) Fixes and Improvements: - HTML help instead of Winhelp to prepare Docklight for Windows Vista - Window size correctly remembered after closing Docklight, even when maximized. - Font sizes < 10 now allowed (with additional warning) - Control characters except CR/LF can be completely suppressed in ASCII display 10:16 02.04.2007- Baud rates up to 9.999.999 Baud can be entered (NOTE: This does not mean Docklight can really process any kind of data at that speed.) - Fixed bug: A "CR only" produces an additional line break in HEX, Decimal and Binary display - Fixed bug: The keyboard console tool always sets the RTS line to high when typing characters - Fixed bug: The DCD line status is not displayed - Fixed bug in Docklight Scripting: UploadFile() does not send data if the script contains a DL_OnSend() procedure - Fixed bug in Docklight Scripting: RS485 Tranceiver Control does not reset RTS while a script is executed - Fixed bug in Docklight Scripting: BREAK state introduces additional spaces in HEX, Decimal and Binary display Docklight V1.6.8 / Docklight Scripting V1.6.8 (04/2005) Fixes and Improvements: - Flow control setting "RS485 Transceiver Control" is now correctly applied for the Keyboard Console tool. - F12 key brings up the notepad window, even if minimized Docklight V1.6.7 / Docklight Scripting V1.6.7 (03/2005) New features and functions: - "Communication Filter" to hide the original serial data of one or both communication channels - Notepad (F12 key) for project documentation - "Drag and Drop" support for project files and scripts - Docklight Scripting: new method "UploadFile" for file transfer - Docklight Scripting: new special function characters in Send or Receive Sequences (set/reset handshake signals, add delay between characters, send or detect a "break" state) Fixes and Improvements: - Keyboard Shortcuts for ASCII code > 126 - DEL key for Send/Receive Sequence lists - Docklight Scripting: Increased maximum script size (510KB instead of 64KB) - Inreased Docklight send/receive queue size to allow character-by-character processing using DL_OnReceive() - Extended documentation and sample scripts to demonstrate Docklight Scripting's data analysis and manipulation capabilities. - Fixed bug: Docklight crashes when a USB-to-RS232 device is removed while communication is running. - Fixed problem: When using Option "Flow Control: RS485 transceiver control", the RTS line is reset too early, especially when the standard 16 byte fifo transmit buffer of the UART is enabled. - Fixed bug: Missing characters in ASCII window / Formatted Text Output mode, when characters are received one-by-one and a single is used for end-of-line Docklight Scripting V1.5.2 (09/2004) New features and functions: - Extended syntax for the DL.SendSequence command to allow hex, decimal or binary Send Sequence parameters or sending custom data sequences. - DL_OnSend() function to support automatic checksum calculations - DL_OnReceive() function to support automatic evaluation of the received data, including analysing the received wildcard data Fixes: - Fixed bug: The DL.OpenProject command did not close the communication Docklight V1.4.14 / Docklight Scripting V1.4.14 (06/2004) Fixes: - Fixed bug: Missing line breaks on Windows 98 - Fixed bug: "Clear Communication Window" does not delete the entire contents of all four commmunications window representations (ASCII/HEX/Decimal/Binary) Docklight V1.4.12 / Docklight Scripting V1.4.12 (05/2004) New features and functions: - New Docklight edition "Scripting" with built-in script editor for automated testing. Available as an upgrade for Docklight standard users. Fixes & Improvements: - Non-standard baud rates can be used: Type any integer number between 110 and 999999 in the corresponding dialog box. If the chosen rate is actually applied, depends on the serial UART you are using. Non-standard baud rates may not work correctly when "Flow Control" options are used. - New Mode "Flow Control: Hardware Handshaking - RTS/CTS (Single Byte Mode): A sequence is placed byte-by-byte into the transmit buffer and CTS is checked before each new character. - New mode "Flow Control: RTS high while sending". This is to support RS485 converters and related applications where the transceiver requires the PCs RTS signal to enable/disable the transmission. - Improved communication processing and timing accuracy, which makes the "TweakComm" utility provided to some users obsolete. - ASCII Communication Window: Uniform behavior for different end-of-line standards: CR only, CR+LF, LF+CR V1.3.38 (01/2004) Fixes: - Fixed bug: receive sequence detection ignores incoming sequence, if immediately before the sequence a few characters have already been considered as a part of this sequence. See for details. - Fixed bug: edit sequence dialog crashes when marking a sequence, then moving to the empty sequence at the end of the list (Index ">" button) and pasting into the empty sequence. - Fixed bug: crash when trying to paste a very large document (> 32K) from clipboard. V1.3 (11/2003) New features and functions: - Powerful clipboard support within the sequence lists and the sequence editor: cut, copy & paste entire sequences or parts of it. Copy & paste sequence data from external applications (MS Word, Notepad). - Wildcard support for send sequences, receive sequences and find function - New receive sequence actions: insert time stamp, stop communication - New time stamp options: pause detection, e.g. for RS485 monitoring. - Keyboard console: keyboard input is directly sent to the COM port. - New Project settings: optional flow control support, manual RTS/DTR control, hardware handshaking, software handshaking (XON/XOFF). Fixes & Improvements: - Fixed bug when printing on HP Laserjet 5M - Improved sequence list management (reordering, keyboard support) - Improved find function (ignores date/time stamps and additional comments in HEX, decimal and binary mode) V1.2 (02/2003) New features and functions: - Improved performance, especially when monitoring transmissions with a high amount of data - Time stamps with 1/100s precision - New display options to further increase processing speed - New snapshot function to catch a very rare sequence within the protocol data plus the preceding and trailing communication - New demo project and additional documentation for getting started Fixes: - Now works on any Windows language edition, especially Asian editions or others using DBCS (double byte character set) - Fixed bug when using sequence names which include a comma (",") V1.1 (09/2002) New features and functions: - Creating log files in HTML format - Communication settings are now stored as project data - Improved parity error handling - Disabling the communication window while logging possible (e.g. while monitoring high-speed communication) - Revised and streamlined user interface Fixes: - 4800 Baud now available in the communication settings dialog V1.0 (04/2002) First release