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NOTE: Hotkeys are available for common menu and toolbar functions.
File Menu
New Project
Close the current Docklight project and create a new one.
Open Project ...
Close the current Docklight project and open another project.
Import Sequence List ...
Import all Send Sequences and Receive Sequences from a second Docklight project.
Save Project / Save Project As ...
Save the current Docklight project.
Print Project ...
Print the project data, i.e. the list of defined Send Sequences and Receive Sequences. The sequences are printed in the same representation (ASCII, HEX, Decimal or Binary) that is used in the Docklight main window. The representation may be chosen using the Options dialog window.
Print Communication ...
Print the contents of the communication window. The communication data is printed in the same representation that is currently visible in the communication window.
Quit Docklight.
Edit Send Sequence List ...
Edit the Send Sequences list, i.e. add new sequences or delete existing ones.
Edit Receive Sequence List ...
Edit the Receive Sequences list, i.e. add new sequences or delete existing ones.
Swap Send and Receive Sequence Lists
Convert all Send Sequences into Receive Sequences and vice versa.
Find Sequence in Communication Window...
Find a specific sequence within the data displayed in the communication window. See the Find Sequence function.
Clear Communication Window
Delete the contents of the communications window. This applies to all four representations (ASCII, HEX, Decimal, Binary) of the communication window.
Start communication
Open the communication ports and enable serial data transfer.
Stop communication
Stop serial data transfer and close the communication ports.
Tools Menu
Start Communication Logging ...
Create new log file(s) and start logging the incoming/outgoing serial data. See logging and analyzing a test.
Stop Communication Logging
Stop logging and close the currently open log file(s).
Start Snapshot Mode
Wait for a trigger sequence and take a snapshot. See Catching a specific sequence...
Stop Snapshot Mode
Abort a snapshot and reenable the communication window display.
Keyboard Console On
Enable the keyboard console to send keyboard input directly.
Keyboard Console Off
Disable the keyboard console.
Minimize/Restore Documentation and Script
Minimize the Documentation and Script area, or bring it back to regular size.
Minimize/Restore Sequence Lists
Minimize the Send/Receive Sequence lists, or bring them back to regular size.
Project Settings...
Select the current project settings (COM ports, baud rate, ...).
Select general program options (e.g. display mode, date / time stamp).
Expert Options...
Select expert program options intended for advanced users and specific applications (e.g. high monitoring accuracy).
Run / Continue Script
Execute the code in the script editor.
Stop Script
Stop a running script.
Break Script
Interrupts a running script.
New Script
Close the current Docklight script and create a new one.
Open Script ...
Close the current Docklight script and open another script.
Save Script / Save Script As ...
Save the current Docklight script.
Customize / External Editor...
Use an external editor instead of Docklight's built-in editor.