- Simulating a RS232/UART device protocol, based on RS232 logging data (Reverse Engineering)
You can use Docklight log file data to create a basic simulator for an existing device. This can be done manually, or using a small helper tool available from our FAQ. - Testing an IoT I/O application with simple text-based control commands
With Docklight Scripting you can connect to IoT devices via TCP or UDP and perform manual tests, or write small automated testing procedures. Docklight Scripting can simulate data telegrams from an IoT device to a server, e.g. temperature readings, or be at the receiving end for such data. - Logging and processing RS485 2-wire-bus (half duplex) data
A plain RS485 bus log does not reveal which node sent the data. By defining the basic application protocol structure via two data sequence triggers ("Receive Sequence"), you can use Docklight to separate the answers of the bus members, here a motor and a PLC. Docklight hardware accessories like Docklight Tap 485 provide accurate monitoring data without interfering with the original communication. - Network gateway between a TCP client and a UDP peer
Docklight Scripting takes over two roles here - a TCP Server which allows the client to connect on TCP port 9000. And a UDP peer that communicates with a remote network address. The data transmitted back and forth is evaluated on the fly and chosen network events are logged to a custom text file. - Testing a USB HID protocol implementation
In an Embedded Device project with a custom USB HID protocol implementation, Docklight Scripting was used for two tasks:
1) Test the protocol implementation on the USB HID side, here a CAN bus interface functionality based on the SLCAN ASCII protocol.
2) HID to UDP/Ethernet bridge that allows to access the new device via standard UDP/Ethernet packets.
Docklight is a testing, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols.
It allows you to monitor the communication between two serial devices or to test the serial communication of a single device.
Docklight is the preferred RS232 terminal / RS232 monitor / TCP or HID device tester / IoT (Internet of Things) debugging tool for numerous software and hardware engineers around the globe.
- “Docklight has been a huge productivity tool in testing our reader software. It has allowed us to automate some difficult sequences, including some encryption sequences that involve cipher block chaining. Testing these sequences by writing tools from scratch would have taken an inordinate amount of time.
Docklight has allowed us to stay on track with our schedules. In addition, Docklight support has far exceeded any support I have received in many years. Oliver was particularly helpful in guiding and directing me and in working with me to solve some challenging problems. I felt as if I had a true partner and mentor.”
Laurie Lindsey, Sequent / ViVOtech Inc., USA
www.sequent.com - “ I haven’t found any other program that does what Docklight can do as well as it does. It gives me the flexibility I need with the scripting, but I’m also able to just give someone a basic set of commands if that´s all they need. I also can’t imagine having any better customer service either! ”
Rob Morey, Philips Respironics, USA
www.respironics.com - “ I have used your Docklight RS232 terminal software for a number of years now. As a software developer, this program has been one of my most valuable tools. It is also one of the most user-friendly and intuitive to use. Last week I was working on a device that uses TCP/IP sockets. My thought was, 'I wonder if there is a Docklight solution for this'. Sure enough, there it was - Docklight Scripting. Thanks for a fantastic product! ”
Ken Delahoussaye, Software Engineer, Delahoussaye Consulting, USA
www.kadtronix.com - “ PS: An dieser Stelle beglückwünsche ich Sie zu Ihrem leistungsstarken Produkt mit einem ungewöhnlichen und ausgezeichneten Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis. ”
Mathias Fritzsche, Kybernetik Team Dresden, Germany
www.kyb-team.de - “ I am a happy Docklight owner. We use your software to test the serial ports on products that we manufacture. We often suggest to installers in the field to use the Docklight program to help diagnose problems they have. ”
David Dickinson, Dealer Services, Russound, USA
Russound/Docklight Demo Project and Application Note - “ When we do our stress testing we use the suggestions you provided in your email to keep the load on the machine to a minimum. We have compared Docklight to numerous other serial monitoring tools with respect to their ability to withstand stress. We found Docklight to be the most reliable. So kudos to you. ”
David Harif, Head of Software Group, Israel Wireless Devices, Israel
www.iwd.co.il - “ I thank you for your assistance and flexibility. We currently have a single Docklight license we have been using for a while (not in its full capability). But recently my tester … has created a nice script which will assist on his current project over the next few years. "
Andrew Dempster, Test & Verification Supervisor Clipsal Australia Pty Ltd., Australia
www.clipsal.com.au - “ Als langjähriger Nutzer von Docklight möchte ich mich ganz herzlich für die stetige Wartung und Verbesserung Ihrer tollen Software bedanken. Dass man als Kunde diesen Service dann immer noch kostenlos bekommt, ist alles andere als selbstverständlich.
Ich nutze Docklight nicht ständig, aber immer wenn es zu Problemen mit der Kommunikation zwischen Computer und diversen Messgeräten kommt, hilft mir das Programm, diese zu lösen.”
Olaf Kolle, Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie, Jena, Germany
www.bgc-jena.mpg.de - “ Thank you very much for your quick response. That resolved my problem. Your support is as excellent as your product. ”
Mike Stone, PECO II Inc., now Lineage Power / GE, USA
Supported interfaces and connections are RS232, RS485/RS422, TCP/UDP,
Virtual COM, USB HID, Bluetooth (SPP or HID) and Named Pipes.
Docklight significantly increases productivity in a broad range of industries, including automation and control, communications, automotive, equipment manufacturers, and embedded / consumer products.
Docklight is easy to use and runs on any standard PC using Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7.
Typical Docklight applications include:
- Simulating serial protocols
- Logging RS232 data
- Detecting specific data sequences
- Responding to incoming data

Software and Hardware Extensions:
- Docklight Scripting provides an easy-to-use program language and a built-in editor to create and run automated test jobs. In addition to COM connections (RS232, RS485/422), Docklight Scripting supports TCP or UDP, USB HID, Bluetooth SPP, Bluetooth HID, RS232 terminal and Named Pipes.
- Docklight Pro Monitor is a high-speed and lightweight software for hardware-based RS232/485/422 monitoring using Docklight Tap Pro or Docklight Tap 485.
- If you require serial or TCP communications in your own Windows C++, C#, Java or Excel application, the Docklight DLL Automation API allows you to implement communication features in minimal time and minimal amount of own code.
Our Company
The company was set up in 1998 as an "Office for Multimedia and IT Solutions."
Since then our focus has shifted more and more to projects in the industrial field,
so that we nowadays concentrate on this area.
Marco Flachmann
Tel: +49 89-38169745-1
Oliver Heggelbacher
Tel: +49 89-38169745-2
Docklight Products
FAQ / Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions, Tips and Tricks
Solutions for known issues concerning Docklight and Docklight Scripting
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