How can I scan / detect the communication parameters of an existing data link? (Baud Rate scan, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity)
Applies to: Docklight Tap Pro / Docklight Tap 485, Article ID: dl_faq048 Our advanced serial data monitoring hardware “Docklight...
How can I monitor RS232 connections with guaranteed time-tagging accuracy? How can I accurately monitor RS232 status line changes during communication?
Applies to: Docklight / Docklight Scripting / Docklight Pro Monitor (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq041 “Docklight Tap Pro” is...
How can log the communication between my PC application and a COM port / RS232 device? How can I use Docklight to capture the communication to a Windows COM port (“COM port sniffer”)?
Applies to: Docklight and Docklight Scripting (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq049 Docklight does not have the ability to monitor...
I need to test for a Receive Sequence, but parts of the sequence are a checksum and I need to use some kind of wildcards. How can I do this in Docklight?
Applies to: Docklight / Docklight Scripting (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq006 Docklight supports wildcards within a Send Sequence or...
I need a simulator for a serial device – Can I create/build a Docklight project automatically from a Docklight log / from monitoring the communication between two devices?
Applies to: Docklight / Docklight Scripting (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq019 Your situtation: You are monitoring the communication between...
What is the maximum sequence size? How can I transmit large amounts of data? How can I transfer ASCII text files? How can I transfer binary data files?
Applies to: Docklight (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq015 The maximum sequence size for a Send or Receive Sequence is...
Docklight runs really slow on my PC. When I use Hyperterminal or my old DOS-based tool, I can monitor all the communication, but Docklight seems to be too slow for this. What can I do?
Applies to: Docklight (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq005 Docklight does a lot more than Hyperterminal and other small terminal...
How can I get a Docklight Monitoring Cable? Can I purchase this from you? Can I use a data tap (e.g. Blackbox product code FA148A)?
Applies to: Docklight (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq017 For customers within the EU, Switzerland and Norway, we offer a...
Can I use Docklight to talk a network device using a TCP or UDP-based communication?
Applies to: Docklight / Docklight Scripting (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq020 Docklight is limited to serial COM connections, but...
For creating larger scripts, the built-in script editor is not really convenient. How can I get a state-of-the-art editing experience with syntax highlighting and autocompletion?
Applies to: Docklight Scripting (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq030 Docklight Scripting supports external source code editors like Notepad++ or...