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User Manual
I have the correct vendorID and product ID for my HID device, but Docklight cannot connect to it. Can you help me finding the correct connection settings in Docklight?
I have a problem with license registration on Windows 10 or Windows 11. I entered my full license key number from the original delivery e-mail, but Docklight remains in evaluation mode and asks for the license key again on the next startup.
I am using the Documentation Area and paste formatted text, including tables from other documentation sources, e.g. Word. After switching to a different sequence, or saving/re-opening the project, parts of this documentations are missing.
Windows does not allow me to install and use the free com0com Virtual Null Modem driver from your FAQ. How can I fix this?
When accessing a COM port, Docklight consumes a lot of CPU time (e.g. 25%), even if there is no communication. How can I fix this?
I use DL.GetEnvironment(“DOCKLIGHT_PORTLIST”), but I only see COM devices, no TAP or VTP ports.
When using ASCII codes above 127 (Hex 7F) in the Edit Send Sequence or Edit Receive sequence dialog, Docklight changes these to 7F after switching to ASCII representation and back to Hex.
On my Windows PC I have com port numbers larger than COM256, e.g. COM320. How can I access these in Docklight?
The Docklight E-Shop says “Unfortunately, due to legal constraints, we cannot ship the product to the country you have chosen”.
I use Docklight project documentation and manage both projects and documentation files (.ptp and .ptn) in .git. Unfortunately the .ptn is a binary format and the git diff is not helpful. How can I fix this?
When opening the “Project Settings” dialog, Docklight freezes for 20-30 seconds / appears to crash. How can I fix this?
I use Docklight Scripting in UDP Server Mode (UDP:LocalPort setting). The answer from Docklight is always sent to the ip:port of the first datagram received, instead to the ip:port of the last datagram received. How can I fix this?
In my script, I used an invalid DL method call, which should produce a script execution error. But the script simply stops, without further error message.
I need to send (or receive) a Feature Report to/from a HID device. How can I achieve this in Docklight Scripting?
When I open the “Edit Send Sequence” or “Edit Receive Sequence” dialog and close it / move to a different sequence, Docklight asks if I want to keep the modification, even if I did not change anything.
The display for the handshake signals RTS / DTR / CTS / DSR / DCD / RI is incorrect, resp. doesn’t seem to update immediately.
I use DL.SetChannelSettings(“COMxx”) to check if my COM port is available, but I still receive an error when opening the port using DL.StartCommunication() (Windows Error #5 – Access is Denied).
I use Docklight Tap (or: Docklight Tap Pro, Docklight Tap 485, Docklight RS232 Adapter) on Windows 10. If I open a second standard COM port device, the Tap hardware stops working, or Windows 10 even restarts.
After enabling “Expert Options – External / High Priority Process”, Docklight cannot start communications and reports “Could not start external high priority process.”
When I use Docklight V2.3 with my COM device, I receive periodic error messages “Docklight reports: General I/O error on COM…”. In Docklight V2.2 this does not happen. How can I make Docklight V2.3 work with my device?
I have large Send and Receive Sequence lists in my Docklight projects and I want to prevent that they get accidently re-ordered by an unintended drag-and-drop.
The Docklight dialog fonts seem to be too large / the font scaling and layout is wrong. The texts are cut off and some dialog elements are unreadable.
I am trying to open a USB HID connection, but I cannot get it to work.
Communication errors when using high baud rates (e.g. 230.4 Kbps) with Tap Pro / RS485
I have saved a Docklight project file / log file and now it is gone. I cannot find it in Windows File Explorer.
Time stamp jumps back to an earlier point in time
I use a Receive Sequence with checksum (CRC) validation over a variable-length field of data. Docklight does not detect all occurences of valid telegrams, or even crashes with error “Internal error 1003 in module ClSequence. Illegal sequence index”
Docklight crashes “Internal error 1000 in module MdCommunication.printAndLogIntCommData “.
I try to access a HID device with PID = 0, but Docklight Scripting says “Illegal settings for a USB HID channel.”
When trying to open a COM port, I receive an error “Windows error #31 – A device attached to the system is not functioning” or similar
When starting Docklight, a Windows Installer windows appears. How can I fix this?
My script using DL.ConvertSequenceData for float conversion, as available in Docklight Scripting V1.9.10x, does not work any more.
When using the #include directive, the following error appears on running the script: “Script preprocessor error: Duplicate include for same file”. But I do not see any problem in my script.
When monitoring a high speed communication link, Docklight consumes a high amount of CPU time and seems to freeze.
Docklight does not display any serial data in the communication window(s) or just displays strange characters and question marks.
I have problems using Docklight with my USB-to-Serial adapter (or: PC card, PCI board). The COM port does not work with Docklight (or: Docklight crashes / the PC reboots / shows a stop error / “Blue Screen of Death” / BSOD when trying to access a COM port).
I am using a USB-to-Serial converter for Docklight Monitoring Mode (passive RS232 monitoring). The computer randomly reboots / shows a stop error / “Blue Screen of Death” / BSOD. How do I fix this?
When I try to to open a COM port in Docklight, I receive an error message “The communication port COMxxx could not be opened. Windows Error #5 – Access is denied” or simular. I carefully checked that no other application is using this COM port. I also noticed the error only appears sometimes, or using a certain Docklight version. The Windows Hyperterminal software seems to be fine, for example.
Windows does not install the driver automatically. How can I fix this?
I am using the flow control setting “RS485 Transceiver Control – Set RTS high while sending”. In Docklight V2.1 it does not set RTS to high like it did in Docklight V2.0.
I entered the license key, but Docklight still is in evaluation mode. How do I fix this?
My script stops with an error message that says “Not allowed inside the Sub DL_OnSend() or Sub DL_OnReceive() subroutine”, even though the command in question is definitively not executed within a Sub DL_OnSend() or Sub DL_OnReceive() procedure. What is wrong here?
Windows does not allow me to install and use the free com0com Virtual Null Modem driver from your FAQ. How can I fix this?